Steel Workers Reach Multi-Million Dollar Settlement In Retiree Health Care Dispute

Morgan Roach recently represented a group of Steel Worker locals in federal court after a Company refused to arbitrate a grievance concerning retiree health care benefits.  After filing suit, Morgan immediately moved for an order compelling arbitration of the grievance and the parties filed detailed legal briefs.  In a lengthy Memorandum and Order, the federal judge adopted Morgan’s legal arguments and compelled the Company to arbitrate the grievance.  After arbitration was ordered, the Company refused to produce contact information for some of the relevant retirees, which was needed so that the retirees could be notified of the proceeding and participate as necessary.  Morgan filed a motion requesting the Arbitrator to compel production of the information.  In a decision dated June 18, 2013, the Arbitrator agreed with Morgan’s arguments, sustained the motion, and compelled production.  After mediation failed, the case appeared headed toward a hearing on the merits which was scheduled to occur in late January 2014.  Just before the hearing, however, a settlement was reached which guarantees several million dollars in additional health care benefits will be available to the affected retirees.